Philly Indoor Season Rules
A. Indoor Rules Overview
Refer to this section for any questions regarding the Indoor leagues. If a question is not addressed in this section, please refer to the general Rules and Information section.
B. Court Costs:
Each player will be responsible for 50% of the court fee. Players are responsible for their own guest fee, if applicable. The home court player is not responsible for the away player’s guest fees.
Doubles: Each player will be responsible for 25% of the court fee. Players are responsible for their own guest fee, if applicable. The home court team is not responsible for the away team’s guest fees.
We recommend arriving at least 15-20 minutes before the match to ensure enough time to check in, pay court fees, and do any desired pre-match stretching.
Lateness Policy: Any player who shows up more than 15 minutes late will be responsible for the full cost of the court.
No-show Policy: Any player who does not show up will be responsible for the full cost of the court, and the player may face possible suspension from the indoor league.
C. Match Times:
Matches must begin between the start times shown below unless both players/teams mutually agree to play at a different time.
- Monday - Friday: matches must begin between 6:00pm - 8:00pm
- Saturday - Sunday: matches must begin between 9:00am - 7:00pm
D. Set Format:
Due to time constraints, matches will be played with No-Ad scoring and a super tie-breaker will be played in lieu of a full 3rd set. No-Ad Scoring: If the score is 40-40, the receiver picks the side that the ball will be served, and the next point wins the game. The rules for a super tiebreaker are the same as the 12 point TieBreak Rules, except the winner is the first team to reach 10 points provided there is margin of two points.
Doubles: Due to time constraints, a super tie-breaker will be played in lieu of a full 3rd set. The rules for a super tiebreaker are the same as the 12 point TieBreak Rules, except the winner is the first team to reach 10 points provided there is margin of two points.
IF ALL PLAYERS AGREE, a full set or 12-point tiebreaker may be played in lieu of a super tiebreaker. Tiebreakers must be recorded as 7-6 in the score report.
E. Contacting your Opponent:
1) Don't wait for your opponents to call you! Both players/teams are responsible for making contact with their opponents by the Wednesday prior to the Scheduled Week.
2) Each player/team offers 3 available dates to play the match (not including the Sunday "deadline" date) or agrees to a date offered by the opponents. Dates and times offered to your opponents must coincide with the dates/times of Section C.
3) Court Time
Singles: The Home player is responsible for reserving 1.5 hours of court time and confirming the court time with their opponent.
Doubles:: The Home team is responsible for reserving 2 hours of court time and confirming the court time with their opponent.
4) Scheduling indoor doubles matches has its own unique set of challenges. The following are tips for scheduling matches:
- Texting/Calling usually yields the fastest and highest rate of response.
- Refer to the Indoor Doubles Procedure Map if you are struggling to schedule a match

1. Each player/team offers 3 available dates to play the match or agrees to a date offered by the opponents.
2. Home team books court at their Home facility for agreed time. Court reservation must be for 1.5 hours for Singles and 2 hours for Doubles.
3. If no courts are available, the Home team must book at an alternative club, without adding significant driving distance for their opponents, or discuss a different date/time with the opponents.
IMPORTANT: If each team has offered 3 dates (within the timeframe for the match) and cannot agree on a date to play, the match is automatically scheduled to be played using the “Deadline/Final Times” below. Use common courtesy when arranging your matches. Rude phone behavior leads to on court confrontations.
F. The Deadline/Final match times.
- Start time: Sunday 6 pm - 8pm
G. Inclement Weather on the "Deadline" date:
If a match is cancelled due to snow on the "play by date" AND one team forced the match to be played on the "play by date" without offering the three required match dates the other player/team can record a win by default, (players cannot use the "deadline date" as one of their 3 required match dates)
H. Inclement Weather on the LAST "Deadline" date of the Season:
For matches scheduled on the last "deadline" date of the season and are cancelled due to snow, teams will receive no points for the match. No late passes are allowed due to the start of the playoffs. Teams that have a match scheduled on the LAST "deadline" date of the season will run the risk of not playing the match if there is inclement weather.