Ultimate Tennis

Welcome to Ultimate Tennis!

Replacement Players

The league office will make every attempt to replace withdrawn players with a "replacement player" from the waiting list when there is an available player in the same section of town.

If you are a replacement player:

You are entering the league after play has begun therefore, as a new member you should take the initiative to alert your opponents that you have been added to the division.

Match Play

  • Play begins from the point you are added to a division going forward. You may play any match that does not have a score reported.
  • Replacement players may not make up past matches. Exception: If the opponent scheduled to play the withdrawn player has not reported a score for that play week, they may elect to play you as the replacement player and utilize a late pass to enter the scores.
  • You have a late pass available that may be used to report a late score for future matches however you may not use a late pass to report a score for a past due match.
  • You may play a sub or report a default only for future scheduled matches against a regular opponent. You may not report a sub score or a default for any past matches.

Playoff Eligibility

To be eligible for the playoffs, all members, including replacement players must complete a minimum of 4 matches against the assigned opponents on their schedule. See Playoff Eligibility

If you are scheduled to play a replacement player:

When a player withdraws from your division, we will work very hard to fill the opening left by the withdrawn player. Should we find a replacement player to take the spot, the following options are available.

  • If you have not already reported a score against the withdrawn player, and the scoring deadline has not passed, you will play the replacement player as you normally would.
  • If you played a sub or reported a default for the withdrawn player in advance of the scoring deadline, you may elect to re-play the match with the replacement player and re-report the scores by the posted deadline.
  • If you have not reported a score for a past match scheduled with a withdrawn player, you may elect to play a match with the replacement player and utilize your late pass to report the scores.

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